RCIE - 2010 Accommodation | accommodation | local transportation | program | papers | list of participants | China Economic Policy Review |
We have reserved rooms at the following hotel for the participants: Hui Qiao Hotel 惠侨饭店 address: 北京市和平里惠新东街19号 website: http://www.huiqiaohotel.cn/home/index.aspx (Chinese) rate: RMB 250 per room per night, breakfast included (standard room) phone: +86 010 - 64918811 The hotel is within walking distance from the campus. To get this rate, reservation has to be made through us. If you want to stay there, please send your name, affiliation, arrival date and departure date to Xiaopeng Ma <xiaopengmapeng@yahoo.com.cn> as soon as possible. You can get information about how to come from the airport to the hotel from the following link. You can download a sheet, which contains the name, address, and phone number of the hotel, in Chinese. Please download a copy of it, bring it with you to Beijing, and show it to the taxi driver, who will take you to the hotel.
This page was last modified on 11/06/2010. Comments are most welcome and can be sent to webmaster.